Becoming a guide for those behind us and a map for those who follow

I'm going to use a basic arithmetic operation that suggests that two numbers or quantities multiplied obtain a number or quantity that is termed as the product of the two. Now, I know we can reach the same result using other operations; but I'm choosing to explore multiplication in this case. I'm not good at math folks, so if you're like me or maybe you don't like math, relax ...

Grab some hot coffee ...                                           or some ice cream ...
my favorite chocolate ice cream
nice cuppa of coffee
Hot cuppa!

Looking back at let's say the things we call our traditions or our way of culture, our habits, they all have this mode of operation; multiplication! These are actions we've performed, are performing repeatedly overtime. We make sure we maintain them by practicing them over and over, thus working to reach a product which we might call habits, norms, or traditions, etcetera. When it comes to creating a way of life, human beings are not aliens to this concept of doing the same thing over and over in order to achieve a certain normal ground where they feel comfortable.

When talking about having a hopeful future, where there's gender equality, where men treat women with respect, where women know they matter, where women are each other's anchor; we need to start multiplying our little efforts.

We keep fighting for justice for women every time, we do not have the luxury of having sloppy seconds on women rights because the future is depending on us. The future is counting on you and me to lay foundations now, to set a path now, to lay a map as we walk towards a bright future. We have to take on this responsibility as women, and never to say that we are too insignificant to matter! If I'm being honest, as a woman, woman of color, every time I am on the field at work, I have to tell myself, "I am enough, I have what it takes, I matter" and many other reassuring words because our world is not prepared to let women win.

It's time to stop, rethink, and look into the future we hope for. What direction do you want to walk towards? You need a compass, some sense of direction as to where you want to guide your sisters, daughters, sons, and brothers. There's nothing as inspiring as knowing the direction you would like to go. We have to conceive the shape of our future, we cannot depend on other people to do it for us! We're the ones suffering injustices, we're also the ones who know how we want to be treated! Don't be shy, let yourself fly!

A compass

Road map to the future

This is a journey that not one person or a few people can manage alone. Dreams multiplied, ambitions multiplied, courage multiplied. There are some walking dead on the way, that's why we need more bodies and more armor! We need each other, we cannot eliminate each other from the race.

A hopeful journey to the unknown, we faint not though the road is bumpy and horrifying. As long as we have each other's back, we will lay a map for those we love and make it known to those behind us.

Scary road


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