"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!"
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" We've all heard this phrase countless times, sometimes we're the ones telling it ourselves or to someone else. Although this phrase sounds like an appealing positive mantra to recite whenever things are crappy or when going through a very shitty day; I wonder if it's also one of those self-help crap that we tell ourselves when we don't want to accept or deal with our realities? Is this some kind of misguided attempt to erase all our troubles? Do we just want to believe that we can make everything better? Are we trying to run away from reality because it's too real and painful? Or are we just tired of doing the work? Remember that time when you were sick and needed to take some not coated bitter pill, and someone thought it was a great idea to crush it on a spoon, add sugar and water to it so that the sugar would tone down, or whatever it is they thought it would do to lessen that bitter t...